Öffnen – Apple Music kündigen – Vorlage und Muster

Vorlage Muster für Apple Music kündigen zum Erstellen und Ausfüllen im Word- und PDF-Format

Vorlage Kündigung Apple Music

Sehr geehrtes Apple Music-Team,

hiermit kündige ich meinen Apple Music-Vertrag fristgerecht zum nächstmöglichen Termin.


Name: [Ihr Name]

Kundennummer: [Ihre Kundennummer]

Vertragsnummer: [Ihre Vertragsnummer]


Bitte geben Sie hier den Grund für Ihre Kündigung an. Zum Beispiel könnten Sie schreiben:

Ich habe mich dazu entschieden, meinen Apple Music-Vertrag zu kündigen, da ich zu einem anderen Musik-Streaming-Dienst wechseln möchte.

Bitte bestätigen Sie schriftlich den Erhalt meiner Kündigung sowie den Beendigungstermin des Vertrags.

Ich bitte Sie zudem, alle damit verbundenen Zahlungen ab sofort einzustellen und etwaige offene Beträge auf meinem Konto zu verrechnen.

Bitte senden Sie mir eine schriftliche Bestätigung über die Beendigung meines Vertrags zu.

Ich bedanke mich für die bisherige Zusammenarbeit und wünsche Ihnen weiterhin viel Erfolg.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

[Ihr Name] [Ihre Adresse] [Ihre Kontaktdaten]


Öffnen Erstellen – Kündigung Apple Music | Muster Vorlage

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Apple Music Cancellation

Q1: How can I cancel my Apple Music subscription?

A1: To cancel your Apple Music subscription, follow these steps:

1. Open the Music app on your iPhone.
2. Tap on your profile picture in the top right corner.
3. Tap on „Manage Subscription“.
4. Select „Cancel Subscription“.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the cancellation process.

Q2: Can I cancel my Apple Music subscription from my computer?

A2: Yes, you can cancel your Apple Music subscription from your computer by following these steps:

1. Go to the Apple Music website.
2. Sign in with your Apple ID and password.
3. Click on your profile icon in the top right corner.
4. Click on „Account“ and then „View My Account“.
5. Scroll down to the „Settings“ section and click on „Manage“ next to „Subscriptions“.
6. Select „Apple Music“ and click on „Cancel Subscription“.
7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the cancellation process.

Q3: What happens to my downloaded music if I cancel my Apple Music subscription?

A3: If you cancel your Apple Music subscription, any music that you have downloaded for offline listening will become unavailable. You will no longer have access to the Apple Music catalog and features once the subscription is canceled.

Q4: Can I still listen to the songs I purchased from iTunes after canceling Apple Music?

A4: Yes, you can still listen to the songs you purchased from iTunes even after canceling your Apple Music subscription. The songs you bought are yours to keep and can be played through the Music app on your device or iTunes on your computer.

Q5: Will I be charged if I cancel my Apple Music subscription before the trial period ends?

A5: If you cancel your Apple Music subscription before the trial period ends, you will not be charged. However, you will lose access to the Apple Music catalog and features immediately upon cancellation.

Q6: Can I re-subscribe to Apple Music after canceling?

A6: Yes, you can re-subscribe to Apple Music after canceling. Simply follow the steps to subscribe again, and your previous settings and playlists will be restored.

Q7: Is there a way to cancel my Apple Music subscription without using an Apple device?

A7: Yes, you can cancel your Apple Music subscription without using an Apple device. You can do so by visiting the Apple Music website and following the cancellation steps outlined earlier.

Q8: Can I cancel my Apple Music subscription if I subscribed through a third-party app or service?

A8: If you subscribed to Apple Music through a third-party app or service, you will need to cancel your subscription directly through that app or service. Apple cannot cancel or manage subscriptions made through third-party platforms.

Q9: Will I lose my playlists and saved music if I cancel my Apple Music subscription?

A9: If you cancel your Apple Music subscription, you will no longer have access to your saved playlists and downloaded music from the Apple Music catalog. However, any playlists or music you have added from your personal library will still be available.

Q10: Can I still listen to Beats 1 Radio after canceling Apple Music?

A10: No, once you cancel your Apple Music subscription, you will no longer have access to Beats 1 Radio or any other Apple Music radio stations.

Q11: Are there any cancellation fees or penalties for canceling Apple Music?

A11: No, there are no cancellation fees or penalties for canceling your Apple Music subscription. You can cancel at any time without any additional charges.


Cancelling your Apple Music subscription is a straightforward process that can be done through various devices and platforms. By following the steps provided, you can easily cancel your subscription without any hassle. Remember that after canceling, you may lose access to certain features and the Apple Music catalog. Ensure that you have downloaded any music you want to keep before proceeding with the cancellation.

Apple Music Cancellation FAQ